Features Orthodontists Look for in Treatment Software
Orthodontists today require advanced software that keeps pace with rapid technological advancements in the dental field. Orthodontic treatment software should not only streamline processes but also enhance the precision and efficiency of patient care. This article explores the key features orthodontists look for in treatment software, using insight
What does orthodontic treatment include?
Orthodontic treatment isn’t just about straightening teeth — it's about achieving a healthy smile and improving overall oral health. With cutting-edge technology like SoftSmile’s VISION software, orthodontic treatment has become more efficient, precise, and comfortable. Let’s explore the key steps of modern orthodontic treat
Orthodontic Digital Workflow: Devices in Clinical Application
In recent years, digital technology has revolutionized the field of orthodontics, bringing unprecedented precision, efficiency, and patient satisfaction to clinical practice. At the forefront of this transformation is the digital workflow — a streamlined, data-driven approach that leverages advanced devices and software to optimize every step
Dental 3D Printing Software: VISION by SoftSmile
As it becomes more affordable to implement 3D printing workflows it is becoming more commonplace in the orthodontic industry. 3D printers are a key component of an in-office aligner production process alongside dental 3D printing software, like VISION. In-house aligner production can create significant time and cost savings for doctors and their pa
The Power of AI in Dentistry
There are numerous use cases of AI in dentistry and orthodontics. In the realm of clear aligner treatment planning, artificial intelligence and machine learning speed up the entire process while increasing accuracy and improving patient outcomes. AI can do the most tedious manual treatment planning tasks automatically without sacrificing prec
Orthodontic Treatment Plan Presentation: What You Need to Know
In the rapidly evolving world of orthodontics, digital tool integration is not optional but essential. As technology advances, so do the expectations of your patients, who seek effective treatments and streamlined, comfortable, and engaging experiences. To stay ahead of the curve, implement digital tools into your practice to supercharge your
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